Inktober Day 32

After my first year in this annual drawing challenge, I can say Inktober was a source of fun pressure, a surprising idea-generator, and a necessary exercise in habit. (Mostly fun. If not for my husband, I would have fossilized in the pre-iPhone era. He doesn’t travel often, but it’s during those absences that I learn simply to charge my phone. The obligatory uploading of photos to Instagram has not been fun pressure! #digitalagemisfit)

Balancing out the bummer of digital zombie life was the explosion of ideas for future work. For the record, I have not loved most of the little pieces I put together for this month of drawing. Only a few were “finished,” and all suffered casualties of deadline. Most of them are beginnings, rough drafts for something better. So, three cheers to a community of artists willing to be vulnerable for the sake of discipline!

Noelle Holler

Gouache artist based in Memphis, Tennessee.

Quarantine Art


Picasso Sketch